Cinco de Mayo Recap

In Casa de Kursar, we take Cinco de Mayo seriously! Not only do we LOVE Mexican food and pretty much all things Mexico, it is also daddy Kursar's birthday! And I will pretty much take any opportunity for a themed photo shoot! I snuck the shoot in with the girls before Henley headed off to school and set up the bar area the night before, after that everything went insane (as always) and I wasn't able to grab my camera for any daddy cake shots or our taco bar! The bebidas sign is a DIY that I saw on pinterest and is perfect as that was one of the only words we learned and used while in Brazil and has become an ongoing inside joke! On a side note, I'm devastated that I discovered @lulafloradesigns about a week too late! She makes amazing fiesta themed decor including mini piniatas, the cutest drink stirrers and so much more!! Oh well, I guess I'll be throwing another fiesta soon!

Turks and Caicos

Although our trip to Turks and Caicos was back in January, I am just now getting it up on the blog, maybe because it is now April and warm weather is refusing to arrive so I need a little warm weather inspo! The majority of the trip was spent chasing Henley around and snaping crappy iPhone pics as quickly as possible but I did sneak in a little time with the "real camera". Brighton was only 4 months at the time of our trip so we didn't really get to explore the island like we typically like to do on vacations, oh well, we will just have to return next year! Oh yeah! we also were set to fly home the day snow storm Jonas hit, soooo we were "stuck" on the island a few extra days :)

Happy Half Birthday

Both of my little ladies celebrated half birthdays this month (2.5 years + 6 mod.) so of course we needed to celebrate with a mini photo shoot!

Home Tour

Recently my home was featured on a friend of mine's blog Pure Joy Home!  In a series she calls "Friends with Pretty Homes". I could not  have been more excited to combine two of my faves, photography and decorating! I thought I would share some of the photos from the feature.